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Guide to Link Insertion on Quality Pages

Link Majesty Team
Updated on


Link insertion, also known as niche edit or curated link service, is the insertion of your website’s link into another website’s page or pages. This insertion needs to be relevant. Often you will add some relevant content to an existing article so that your link insertion appears more natural.


Link insertion can help you develop authority and trust in your field. However, not all websites have the same kind of authority to pass onto you. Page authority is assessed differently from domain authority or website authority. Getting a backlink from an authoritative page helps your page rank better in SERP.

Link Insertions

How the Process Works

The link insertion method is quite similar to the guest post method. Begin by searching for related blogs and finding the most relevant posts to your website. Get in touch directly with the webmaster and inquire about their link insertion practices and policies. When you find a suitable page, insert your link, potentially including additional content to blend into the original blog post naturally.

Considerations Prior to Link Insertion

Most SEO strategies include link insertion; the method is quite popular these days.   

Take time to deeply analyze the website before moving forward with link insertion. Understanding a website’s SEO value is complicated, but going through popular SEO metrics and manual analysis can save you a headache in the end.

Find the most relevant page to insert your website link, using only a page with decent authority.

If you’re unsure how to find the best options, Link Majesty offers Link Insertion service on over 800 blogs. After a thorough evaluation of your needs, Link Majesty divides each blog into the following categories :

Basic: Websites that help you to achieve low competitive SERP ranking.

Premium: Websites that are highly authoritative and have earned significant trust on Google.

List of Websites That Accept Niche Edits

  • General
  • News & Magazine
  • Military
  • DIY
  • Fashion & Beauty
  • Health & Fitness
  • Technology
  • Traveling
  • Lifestyle
  • General
  • Home & Garden
  • Architecture & Interior
  • Health & Fitness
  • Men’s Fashion

Finding Authoritative Pages for Link Insertion

As mentioned above, authoritative pages are measured by quality backlinks that point to that website. Link Majesty filters websites and puts them into Basic & Premium categories, easily finding the best websites for your link insertion. Now it is time to find the best page to insert your website link. Let’s get into this.

We are using Ahref for that. Here’s how the tool works.

  • Go to Site Explorer and search for the domain from which you want to get backlinks.
Evaluate Website Authority
  • Click on Best by links on the left sidebar.
Find Most Authoritative Page
  • The top linked pages of the specified website will be displayed. Let’s evaluate the pages. Look at the UR and referring domains columns for each page and choose the most relevant page to get a backlink point to your website.
Check Page UR and RD
  • For example, number 8 is the most relevant one. So, open the page and try to understand the content. You need to take a look at the scope of the page to find the right place for your link or you can add a new relevant paragraph and insert a link there.
  • If everything goes well, then it’s time to investigate the referring domains of the page.
  • Copy the page URL and search the URL on the top search bar. Then click on Backlinks. Don’t forget to filter by One link per domain and Dofollow rel type.
Check Backlinks of Selected Page
  • The page we selected for this example has 27 dofollow backlinks, which is quite good authority and you can look into those links, as well. Most of them are from related websites and contextual backlinks in this case.

Risks of Link Insertion

While link insertion is quicker and more effective than guest posting but excessive link insertion can damage your overall backlink profile. Link insertion is safe but too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Be cautious and selective about link insertions to avoid problems.


Link insertion on a high authority page of an authoritative website can boost your ranking quickly. But excessive link insertion can be suspicious. You must handle link insertion strategically to develop a natural link profile. If you have any doubts, feel free to contact us.

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